03 September 2014

7 Facts You Might Not Known About Paoay Church

One of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Paoay Church has been well known out across the world. But did you know that it's name is also San Agustin Church of Paoay because the church is dedicated to Saint Agustine (while the San Agustin Church in Intramuros is dedicated to St. Paul the Apostle)? Well, in case you didn't know, here are some seven facts you might not known about Paoay Church.

1.The church's bell tower served as an observatory post for the Filipinos during the Philippine revolution.

PHOTO SOURCE: Spykze/Wordpress

2. Paoay church is a prime example of an Earthquake Baroque architecture, which is the Philippine interpretation of the European Baroque adapted to the seismic condition of the country.

3. Destructive earthquakes are common and have destroyed earlier churches all throughout the country, and that is the reason on why the church is baroque styled.

4. Paoay Church is one of the four remaining Baroque churches in the country.

PHOTO SOURCE: Marilil/Wordpress

5. Aside from Baroque, the church facade also exudes Javanese architecture reminiscent of Borobudur of Java.


6. The town of Paoay was originally called "Bombay" as the earliest inhabitants believed to have come from India. 


7. According to historians, the bell tower also served as a status symbol for the locals. The bell would ring more loudly and more times during the wedding of a prominent clan that it would during the wedding of the poor.

PHOTO SOURCE: Catering Business in Philippines/ Wordpress
About the Writers:
This group of writers consist of the group's head writer Francine Vijandre, with members: Cisco Bustamante, Luis Oritz and Jaffi Sapino


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