04 September 2014


The Daily Dose of the Church

Finding some quotes? Well here is quotes with an explanation for each quote. We hope you may reflect or find inspiration on the quotes.

I see the church as a field hospital after battle, it is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugar. you have to heal his wounds then we can talk about everything else.-Pope Francis
     The Church or us we are here to help or heal others. When we see someone in despair or who is deeply wounded with hatred, anger and sadness, we should heal them by giving hope, faith and love. We shouldn't be going around the bush asking them certain things that may lead us to just judge them and blame them for their own actions. We should help them immediately so that when we comforted them, we can talk through it and will leave them understand action. 
second quote

The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of. Our attention would have been on God. -C.S. Lewis
     Nowadays people in church concentrate on how beautiful our church is and how beautiful people think of it but where is God in all these. I understand that we do these things so that the followers of Christ will multiply but thats not how we should do it, its in the action. The act of offering everything to God will show the loving goodness and that is the most important one because it is the reason why God called us.

A person once asked me, in a provocative manner if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: 'Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?... It is necessary to accompany them with mercy.-Pope Francis
     Everyone is welcomed in the church and us the 'Church' we should not discriminate anyone God taught us to be holy which means we should be respectful. Sometimes we forget, we have so much confidence in ourselves that we act so innocent tend to feel like we're always right and blame the people we dont like. Remember this : Not everyone who has tattoos are criminals and not everyone who goes to church is holy.

Untying the Knots of the Church

The Church of Saint Augustine, commonly known as Paoay Church is the Roman Catholic parish church of the municipality of Paoay, Ilocos Norte in the Philippines. The earliest historical record of the area dates back to 1593, becoming an Augustinian independent parish in 1686. Building of the present church was started in 1694 by Augustinian friar Father Antonio Estavillo, and it was completed in 1710. After the destruction of the western Roman Empire, the church in the West was a major factor in the preservation of classical civilization.The whole period of the next five centuries was dominated by the struggle between Christianity and Islam throughout the Mediterranean Basin. The battles of Poitiers, and Toulouse preserved the Catholic west, even though Rome itself was ravaged in 850, and Constantinople besieged. Here are pictures of our own made miniature of the church

03 September 2014

A Church Code Makeover: Physically and Spiritually

Some blogs teach you how to dress up with style in different events. And this is the topic of this blog post: How to Prepare for Mass: Physically and Spiritually.

Dress Code inside the church:


  • Sunday Dress
  • Blouse with Sleeves
  • Knee-Length Dress
  • Knee-Length Skirt
  • Sleeves are a must


  • Sleeveless
  • Razorbacks
  • Shorts
  • Plunging Neckline
  • Mini Skirts 


  • T-Shirt
  • Polo Shirt
  • Jeans


  • Cap
  • Sando
  • Shorts
  • Sleeves are a must

Game Time!

After all those blog posts you've read, the blog is waiting for you to get your reward! You will now receive free (no log-in needed) print-out of our versions of all-time favorite games such as Mad Libs, Hangman and Maze! Have fun! Tip: For a better gaming experience, print the game!
About the Gamemakers:
Lead by Joey Soriano, he is the head gamemaker of the games in this post with Paeng Basco, Cisco Bustamante, Luis Ortiz and Jason Zimmerman.

Top 10 Words of the Church You Should Know

PHOTO SOURCE: Limerick Diocese
Before learning to read, you must learn how to say and learn words. In learning about the Church, you should know these words to kick-start or improve your education on the Church

1) Liturgy
  • a form or formulary according to which public religious worship
  • via French or late Latin from Greek leitourgia ‘public service, worship of the gods,’ from leitourgos ‘minister,’ from lēitos ‘public’ + -ergos ‘working.'

2) Pentecost
  • Birthday of the Church
  • Origin: Old English , via ecclesiastical Latin from Greek pentēkostē (hēmera) 


3) Grace
  • loving presence or active presents of God.
  • Middle English: via Old French from Latin gratia, from gratus ‘pleasing, thankful’; related to grateful.

PHOTO SOURCE: writeawriting

4) Qahal
  • Old Testament
  • people of God called together
  • assembly convoked by God
  • Origin: Hebrew

5) Ekklesia 
  • New Testament
  • people of God called together
  • assembly convoked by God
  • Origin: Hebrew

6) Emmanuel
  • God is with us 
  • Origin: Hebrew: Immanuel 
PHOTO SOURCE: christ4ever

7) Salvation
  • is being saved / protected from harm
  • Origin: Latin (Salvatio), Hebrew (yeshu'an), Greek (Sōteria)

8) Kingdom of God
  • is also the designation for the sphere of salvation entered into at the new birth 


9) Catholic
  • universal, embracing 
  • Origin: Middle English < Latin catholicus < Greek katholikós general, equivalent to kathól(ou) universally (contraction of phrase katà hólou according to the whole

10) Worship
  • reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.
  • Origin: Middle English wors(c)hipe, worthssipe, Old English worthscipe, variant of weorthscipe;
PHOTO SOURCE: john-stevens
About the Writers:
This blog post was made possible by head writer Althea Bernardo with members Alfred Amorado and and Eunice Esquillo. This former post title was formerly called: Unlocking Faith Words

7 Facts You Might Not Known About Paoay Church

One of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Paoay Church has been well known out across the world. But did you know that it's name is also San Agustin Church of Paoay because the church is dedicated to Saint Agustine (while the San Agustin Church in Intramuros is dedicated to St. Paul the Apostle)? Well, in case you didn't know, here are some seven facts you might not known about Paoay Church.

1.The church's bell tower served as an observatory post for the Filipinos during the Philippine revolution.

PHOTO SOURCE: Spykze/Wordpress

2. Paoay church is a prime example of an Earthquake Baroque architecture, which is the Philippine interpretation of the European Baroque adapted to the seismic condition of the country.

3. Destructive earthquakes are common and have destroyed earlier churches all throughout the country, and that is the reason on why the church is baroque styled.

4. Paoay Church is one of the four remaining Baroque churches in the country.

PHOTO SOURCE: Marilil/Wordpress

5. Aside from Baroque, the church facade also exudes Javanese architecture reminiscent of Borobudur of Java.


6. The town of Paoay was originally called "Bombay" as the earliest inhabitants believed to have come from India. 


7. According to historians, the bell tower also served as a status symbol for the locals. The bell would ring more loudly and more times during the wedding of a prominent clan that it would during the wedding of the poor.

PHOTO SOURCE: Catering Business in Philippines/ Wordpress
About the Writers:
This group of writers consist of the group's head writer Francine Vijandre, with members: Cisco Bustamante, Luis Oritz and Jaffi Sapino